  Public Ticket #991221
Trying to get HTML video to auto start and loop. .MP4. OVG. WEBM. It will not auto start on the web, only the template or set-up


  •  2
    Scott Hazelbaker started the conversation

    I am choosing HTML video and selecting a video.  I want it to auto start and loop.  I've put in those commands. 

    autoplay loop

    autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"

    but when I test in on the web, I only see a frozen picture, unless I click on the pic.  Any thoughts to make this work right.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Scott Hazelbaker,

    I have checked your site but I do not see LayerSlider being used at the moment. Where can we check the slider with video exactly ?

  •  2
    Scott Hazelbaker replied

    I turned off the pluggin cause I had trouble with it freezing a mobile device..  You can view the site now at ultracarediagnosticimaging.com

  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately I'm still not seeing LayerSlider being used on the url you have provided. Could you please set up a test page where you can leave it up without changes for us to check this and the iPhone related problem from your other ticket as well ?