  Public Ticket #988415
problem getting responsive but not full screen


  •  2
    shelley giese started the conversation

    Hello....I need to fit your slider into a particular width or frame or column so that it fills up 3/4 of the screen, but it also needs to be responsive and when looking in a mobile device needs to resize itself .  I currently have it set to fixed width as that is the ONLY way I can get it to fill its box, but then it is not even close to responsive.  When I set it to any other of the 3 choices, responsive, full width, or full screen it simply overwrites the 4 column content as if it is not even there.  So if this layer slider can only be used at full screen layouts, it is not very useful.  it should be responsive to the box or parent container it is in - is there a magic way to do this?  I had intended to use this slider not just as a full screen hero banner but also in other ways as a demo or interactive piece.  Please let me know if this slider is full screen or nothing.  Maybe if we could set it to a fixed percentage, than it would fill its container?  But right now only allows pixels.

    I think the best way would be full width, the slider is designed to be the right size, however the full width does not stay within its parent

    site is at www.pgwebdesigns.com/clients/primer  the full width version which does not work is at www.pgwebdesigns.com/clients/primer/hometest

    my fear is that when this design is viewed on any laptop, the banner is too big and does not allow the other column on the right to show.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey shelley giese,

    To achieve this you will need to use the Full size layout type with Fit to parent height mode and set an initial width and height for the slider.
    This way the slider will always fill the parent element, so make sure that you have set a proper height value for the parent element as well.