  Public Ticket #980862
Compatibility issues with IE 11


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    djsneef started the conversation


    i was about to deploy the news v6 Slider on my site and then found out that the same code which is working in Firefox and Chrome (latest versions) throws an exception in IE11 and lower. This means the slider is not showing up / running.

    I'm using jQuery 1.11.1 with Migrate 1.2.1 and jQuery Easing v1.3

    The slider initialization code looks like:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        if ($('#layerslider').length) {
                type: 'responsive', pauseOnHover: 'disabled', autoPlayVideos: false, keybNav: false, showCircleTimer: false, navStartStop: false, navButtons: false,
                skin: 'lightskin', skinsPath: 'css/layerslider/skins/'

    In Firefox and Chrome the JS console is empty, in IE i got two exception, one refers to the first line of the document which reads: "<!DOCTYPE html>" and the second one says: "The 'src' property of an undefined or null reference can not be retrieved." (at eval_code).

    Would be great if you have any ideas.

    Kind regards,
    Rumen Petrov

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey djsneef,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Currently we are working on the next larger update that will also contain methods to improve compatibility with IE 11, so it will ikely solve this problem you are experiencing as well.

    We are planning to release it later today.

  •  2
    djsneef replied

    Thanks, all issues got solved with the update.