  Public Ticket #980824
Layerslider is not shown with php7


  •  2
    Druckart started the conversation

    Our hosting-provider has php7 installed, and after moving our test-homepage to his server, the layerslider is not shown at all. I get an error that says I would need an older php version

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Druckart,

    LayerSlider is fully compatible with PHP version 7, there should not be any issues. 

    Which version of the plugin do you use ? Also, could you please show us the site where we can check this error ?

  •  2
    Druckart replied

    Hi Attila,

    our version is 6.0.6 and our website ifor testing: ww2.druckart.de

    Seems something wrong because Google maps is also no longer working...

  • [deleted] replied

    The problem seems to be that there are no sizes set for the slider. The width and height values are missing.