Limited availability during the holidays
Another busy year is coming to its end, and an exciting year lies ahead. In order to get ready for a fresh new start, our team will spend a few days' rest during the winter holidays. Over the holiday break, we will have reduced staffing from December 20th, 2024, to January 5th, 2025, so please be patient if you do not receive a response as quickly as you normally would.
We send our warmest wishes for happiness, health, and success throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support, and may you have a peaceful and blessed Happy Holidays!
Example page:
Layerslider on Wordpres 4.6.1 is working in Safari, but not in Chrome/Firefox, where tthe is either no sliding or - if disabled - a blank space where the slide should be.
In Safari there are sliding, and - if disabled - the content are moving up to header (without the empty placeholder as in CHrome/Firefox).
With debug info i get some related to LayerSider, placed before a the layerslider placeholder:
Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/justpayh/ on line 139
Javascript loaded is
The HTML is from chrome: view-source:
Hey Sune,
There are jQuery errors (jQuery is not defined) on your site. This usually means that your jQuery is not loaded or not in the right way. LayerSlider needs it be loaded in the header to be able to display the slider properly.
If you're not familiar with jQuery you can try to use the Put JS includes to body advanced setting to see if that helps.
Please also check if you're using the Rocketscript feature of Cloudflare, as it messes up jQuery therefore our plugin.
According to the market comment system, we've noticed that your support license has expired. Envato recently changed their Item Support Policy, which now requires customers to purchase support packs in order to receive support beyond the standard support time.
Please consider purchasing an extended support license, so we can continue to provide item support for you.
Thank you for your understanding!