  Public Ticket #3622001
No AutoUpdates from "7.9.10​" to "7.10​.1" ;(


  • MikeS started the conversation


    ... the/your update routine from "7.9.10" to "7.10.1" work not correctly.
    Aw, Snap!

    Something went wrong and WordPress was not able to update LayerSlider. This is likely a temporary issue, and you should try again a bit later.

    In the meantime, you can force WordPress to re-check and verify updates by visiting Dashboard → Updates. The new version of LayerSlider can be installed there as well. That screen might also offer additional information on what the issue can be.

    Additionally, you should check System Status to uncover potential issues affecting your site.

    The regular update in/over WP-UpdateCore has no effects also.
    ONLY - The loooong/additional way, over the account download is working.

    Thx for your quick reactions, MS

  •  145
    George replied

    Hello Mike,

    Please log in to our accounts portal, and download the latest version of LayerSlider. No registration is needed, you can log in with the email address used for the purchase. Then, you should deactivate and remove the current version, and after that you can proceed with the installation as you would normally do. 

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team