  Public Ticket #3169741
Parallax Effect screws up Poisition of Content


  •  1
    Salvatore started the conversation
    <p>Hallo,</p><p>I'm using the Enfold Theme for my Website and got more into the LayerSlider now.&nbsp;Since i wanted to make the next step i purchased the full version of LayerSlider and updated the in Enfold integrated Version to the newest.<br><br>Now every Content with an Parallax effect isnt in the right place where it should be. I even started an new project but there it wont work too.&nbsp;<br>As soon as i deactivate the Parallax Effect all Content is in the right Place<br><br>Here are the examples . I hope some could help me here.<br></p>

    Attached files:  Laerslider VIEW.PNG
      Wordpress VIEW.PNG

  •  1
    Salvatore replied

    I solved it by myself ...
    Just switched the Wordpress Theme to another and back to Enfold. 

  •  117
    George replied

    Hello Salvatore,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team