  Public Ticket #3047206
Transition issue.


  • David Simons started the conversation

    Back in 2016 when first encounted Layer Slider created a small transition using "easeOutBack" or "easeinOutBack" settings. See video. However when recreating an updated version after purchasing new license transitions currently available in Builder with same features 'roll in from right pause back a little then continuing on can't seem to make it work. Would appreciate some advice thank you.

  •  145
    George replied

    Hello David,

    Please, create me a temporary wp-admin access and I will help you with the settigns.

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team

  • David Simons replied

    Gday George,

    Appreciate prompt response please find temporary login as requested.



  • David Simons replied

    Hi George,

    Just wondering if you can provide update on progress.


  •  145
    George replied

    Hello David,

    I'm sorry for the delay.
    I've made the changes on the first slider: http://www.globalautobrand.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=layerslider&action=edit&id=1

    The car (and also the rims) have easeOutBack easing of their opening transitions.

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team

  • David Simons replied

    Hi George,

    Thanks for getting back but feel like a real idiot as in my original post referred to video which failed to attach.

    Hope haven't wasted your time but would appreciate if you could take another quick look.

    Please find videos attached.

    1/. Shows latest transition "right to left stops center screen then clears" same as template.

    2/. Shows previous transition created in 2016 right to left pauses center screen, reverses slightly then fly's out left.

    3/. Shows Transition Builder displaying transition which looks to be the one required but doesn't work.

    Be interested in your thoughts.

    Best Regards

  •  145
    George replied

    I see.
    So I've made the changes in slider #2.
    The trick is that you need an opening and an ending transition. The opening transition should have an easeOutBack easing, and the ending transition (which immediately follows the opening transition with the current settings) should have an easeInBack easing.

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team

  • David Simons replied

    Of course...... all coming back to me now must remember drop down menu lol.

    If upside I did learn a lot more while trying to figure out now good to go and can confidently recommend to my customers.

    Thanks again 

  •  145
    George replied

    Thank you

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team