  Public Ticket #3044363
Open on Click


  • Tashida started the conversation

    I need a popup to 'Open on click' on an existing slider. Checked your documentation but it didnt quite help with that.

  •  74
    John replied

    Dear Tashida,

    Select the layer that should launch the Popup, then navigate to its attributes menu. There, enter a name in the "id" field that's unique and contains only alphanumeric letters and numbers without using spaces. For example, you can enter: ls-open-popup-1

    Next, open the Popup in the editor that should be launched with the click action, then navigate Project Settings -> Layout -> Popup and look for the "Open by Click" field in the Launch Popup section. Type a hashtag and the same identifier used in the other slider. In our example, it would be: #ls-open-popup-1

    That's it. The Popup should now open when you click on the button/layer you've used. One last important step is that you need to make sure that the Popup is embedded in the page, so it can wait in the background to be launched.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Hi John 

    I tried the settings you provided below but I am still not seeing the popup when I click the Tell Me How button here: https://fitish.app/the-bleachers/

    Have I done something wrong?

  •  74
    John replied

    Everything was set correctly, the only missing thing was adding the popup to the page, so the button can launch it. I've adjusted your page and now it's working as intended.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Thank you.

    I realised the pointer turns to a paragraph icon rather than cursor which would mean the button is unclickable. But it does allow me to click.

    Question 2: how do I get the button to bounce after being placed like in the demo: http://layerslider.com/sliders/people/

  •  74
    John replied

    Under the STYLE menu, in the Advanced Settings section, you can find the Mouse Cursor setting, where you need to select the pointer option.

    The bounce animation is a Loop or Middle Transition, which you can find under the TRANSITION menu. You can review the settings used for that layer, and you can even copy and paste them to new layers.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Got the Mouse Cursor to work. But the Transition didn't.

    Based on the transition preview, it seems more like the Hover Transition than the Loop or Middle Transition. Enabling these didn't work though

  •  74
    John replied

    Enabling a transition type won't do anything in itself unless you tell LayerSlider which changes it should animate. In the case of the bouncing effect, it's the two "scale" fields with the value 1.2. That means it will scale the layer in both directions by 20%. You can review all the different kinds of animation properties on the right sidebar. 

    Based on our previous conversation, I've taken the liberty and changed this for you on your site. Now the button bounces the same way as the red heart icon. You can also specify the number of times it would repeat the loop transition if needed.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Sorry but I don't understand what you mean when you say "tell LayerSlider which changes it should animate."

    I don't like the button bouncing like the heart icon - the two are overpowering each other - so can you remove the animation on the button please. thanks

  •  74
    John replied

    Like in all similar applications, you can animate different things such as color, size, position, rotation, etc. When you add a new transition, you need to tell LayerSlider what properties it should animate. For example, in case of a hover effect, you might want to change the color of a button. So you can enable the Hover Transition and set a new background color underneath that transition type. After that, when users hover over the button, it will animate and change its color to what you've set. 

    I thought you wanted to have a bounce effect on the button like on the hearth icon. You can change the transition properties as suggested previously, or just simply disable the Loop Transition type altogether.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Hi John - I wanted the effect that was on the demo's original button, which was a hover-type effect.

    I've replaced the images on the slider and now they aren't floating the way they were before. Can you take a look and correct this please: https://fitish.app/wp-admin/admin.php?page=layerslider&action=edit&id=1

    2. How do you change the gradient background?

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Tashida,

    I've checked your slider, and I'm not sure what you mean. The images on the second slide have a very similar floating look and animation compared to the ones used in the template. I'm not sure about the button either. The original template used only one button on the fourth slide, and it has a loop effect instead of a hover effect. Can you please describe what you'd like to achieve in more detail, or show me a screenshot to illustrate it?

    You can change the gradient under the STYLES menu in the BACKGROUND section with the Background Color option. The color picker has a select dropdown field at the top where you can choose to use a linear or radial gradient instead of a solid color. Make sure to select the "BG Gradient" layer before you open the color picker to set the gradient for the appropriate layer.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Hi John,

    Thanks, I figured out how to change the background colour.

    Please see the link to view how I am seeing the slider on my end: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1op46kDesREa58ysybvLD1300GjE4Dd5F&authuser=tashida%40threepublicity.com&usp=drive_fs

    Will leave the button with the effect you applied. No worries.

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Tashida,

    I appreciate your patience due to the weekend. 

    I've managed to download your screen recording, and I can confirm that I get the same result on my machine. However, it still isn't entirely clear to me what's the issue or what you would like to change on the animations. The one thing I see that might be relevant is their positions since some of the images cover each other for example. 

    I assume this is what you've meant, so I've changed this on your site. Since those images are positioned from the sides of the screen, using percentages instead of pixels has a big impact on how they look during playback. Please be aware that when you drag and move layers, their positions are set in pixels, which in some cases is not what you need. In those cases, you can press the % sign under the layer STYLES menu to convert their positions to percentage units.

    If you meant something else, you can easily undo the changes. 

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Tashida replied

    Thanks John. 

    Yes, you're correct - this is what I meant.