For me, the video in your slider at is restarting. As I can see, you have only two slides in that slider. The first one with the video and the second one with an image. Since you have only one locally hosted video and an image in the slider, it doesn't need too much time for preloading but LayerSlider has a built-in smart content preloader feature so it will do it for you automatically with the content of the slider.
Unfortunately, these automated tests are not designed for this type of content and do not produce realistic values.
The actual speed depends on the images/videos you upload, how big and large they are, how fast your server is, whether you use CDN, and a lot of other things how optimized on your site.
You should set the initial fade duration to 0 in the slider settings/appearance tab. (show advanced settings enabled).
Dear Colleague,
we have a problem with the restart the video of layer 5. Chek on the page
Other question is: how we can make more fast the page, how we can reduce the heavy of contenute?
Hello Mercurio,
Thank you for writing us.
For me, the video in your slider at is restarting. As I can see, you have only two slides in that slider. The first one with the video and the second one with an image. Since you have only one locally hosted video and an image in the slider, it doesn't need too much time for preloading but LayerSlider has a built-in smart content preloader feature so it will do it for you automatically with the content of the slider.
Best Regards,
George | Kreatura Dev Team
Dear George,
Thank you, but We have problem with the speed of homepage. Is it possible to improve the speed of page? the name of the project is " giusto è usato".
Hello Mercurio,
Could you, please tell me more information about what is exactly slow on your website?
Best Regards,
George | Kreatura Dev Team
Dear George,
We have problem with the speed of the website.
From our test the problem is the plugin Layer, and the video present in the project layer 5.
Can you check our setting? Do you have some saggestion for us?
Best Regards
Hello Mercurio,
Unfortunately, these automated tests are not designed for this type of content and do not produce realistic values.
The actual speed depends on the images/videos you upload, how big and large they are, how fast your server is, whether you use CDN, and a lot of other things how optimized on your site.
You should set the initial fade duration to 0 in the slider settings/appearance tab. (show advanced settings enabled).
Best Regards,
George | Kreatura Dev Team