  Public Ticket #2975824
Uncaught ReferenceError: kmUI is not defined


  • Peter Fuersicht started the conversation

    Hello there,
    on this url we have an enfold-site. I need the layerslider shortcode so we've purchased the plugin as it is, deactivated the bundled version from enfold, installed the plugin itself. But I cannot enter the license key. After klicking on the button, the site in backend just reloads but still not activated. also I cannot duplicate slides nor go to other settings. in console I get an error 

    Uncaught ReferenceError: kmUI is not defined

    in https://www.accretech.eu/wp-content/plugins/LayerSlider/assets/static/admin/js/ls-dashboard.js?ver=7.0.7:23:2

    Wordpress 5.8.3
    Enfold 4.8.9
    PHP 7.4.26
    MySQL 5.5.5

  •  145
    George replied

    Hello Peter,

    I've just replied to the another ticket with exactly the same content (opened by Christian).

    Best Regards,
    George | Kreatura Dev Team