  Public Ticket #2781424
Edit button


  • MomYdea started the conversation


    I can't find the commands to edit the style of the hover effect on the "button" layer that I inserted on some sliders. Can you help me?

  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied


    Thank you for getting in touch with us!
    You can change the hover style of your button layer in the transitions tab / hover transition.

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team

  • MomYdea replied

    Obviously!!! 😅

    You are the best, Kristof...if only for the patience you have with incompetent people like me!

    Thank you very much!!!!

  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied

    You are welcome!smile.png

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team