  Public Ticket #2723369
No puedo hacer nada


  •  1
    rikimanson started the conversation


    UtilicĂ© este plugin hace un tiempo en esta web y ahora lo he actualizado. El problema es que no me permite hacer ningĂșn cambio porque me da un error y me indica que acceda al estado del sistema para ver los errores. Cuando accedo al estado del sistema, me da de nuevo otro error, por lo que no puedo hacer nada de nada.


  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied


    Thank you for getting in touch with us!

    This seems to be a web server configuration issue. It will likely involve contacting the web hosting company since only they can see and modify certain server settings. The usual suspects are firewalls or other types of content filtering solutions, and the mod_security module of the web server software. They can easily tell what went wrong by looking into the server log files, including the PHP error logs.

    In case of a 3rd party incompatibility, you can also make a quick test by temporarily disabling other plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme. If the issue goes away, it's caused by a 3rd party. You can find out which one causing the trouble by re-enabling them one by one and watching when the issue surfaces again.

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team