  Public Ticket #2501798
bulletin only in white?


  • ralph started the conversation

    I cannot find a solution in the documentation to change the color of the navigation bulletins from white into a black color. they are white in our slider, but the background is white and you cannot see it, which is not useful: https://hugenberg-muenchen.de/collection

    thanks for help


  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied

    Hello Ralph,

    Thank you for contacting with us!

    You should try to change the slider settings / appearance / skin to rounded flat or photo gallery for example.

    Other option is that if you modify your actual skin or create a new one.
    The LayerSlider WP skin editor offers you a graphical way on your WP admin area to modify LayerSlider skins without the need to work with files on FTP. The Skin Editor automatically detects additional content, so you can customize skins from other sources as well.

    You can reach the Skin Editor by clicking to Options in LayerSlider WP side menu.
    Please note, that editing a skin requires some basic CSS knowledge.

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team

  • ralph replied

    thank you, i found it in the skin.

  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied

    You are welcome!

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team