  Public Ticket #2447382
[Customising Video Background with testimonial widget]


  • Derek Chang started the conversation

    Hi there, 

    I am trying to create a video background slider with a testimonials widget or element in it. Can i check is it possible to do so?

    Kindly look at my attachment for reference. I am currently using using Avada container to do it but problem is it is not responsive and the whole video background doesn't show on mobile or small devices.

    Thank you.

  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied

    Hello Derek,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us!
    It is not possible to create this testimonial feature with LayerSlider because it would not look good on mobile due to responsiveness. However, it is possible to add a shortcode to a layer so if you have a plugin for the testimonial than you can insert it to the slider.
    Other option is that if you use a page builder, for example Elementor for achieve this layout.

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team