  Public Ticket #2431280
Show Hide Options & Position of pagination circles.


  • Phil started the conversation

    Hi Layerslider Team

    Can you let me know how i can show/hide the pagination circles on a slider and also is it possible to change the position of them (place on top of images as opposed to the bottom. (See attached screenshot)

  •  244
    Kreatura Support replied

    Hello Phil,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us!

    You can enable/disable the pagination buttons in the Slider settings / Navigation area / Show slide navigation buttons. The position of them are based on the skin which you use.

    If you want to modify it, you should wrote some custom css code, edit your skin or create a new one. Here is a link about the WP Skin Editor in our documentation page, please check it.

    Best Regards,
    Andrea | Kreatura Support Team