Limited availability during the holidays
Another busy year is coming to its end, and an exciting year lies ahead. In order to get ready for a fresh new start, our team will spend a few days' rest during the winter holidays. Over the holiday break, we will have reduced staffing from December 20th, 2024, to January 5th, 2025, so please be patient if you do not receive a response as quickly as you normally would.
We send our warmest wishes for happiness, health, and success throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support, and may you have a peaceful and blessed Happy Holidays!
vor Kurzem hatte ich schon ein Ticket....
Ticket Comment from Attila K [Ticket #2214640]
Diese Frage baut darauf auf:
Ich möchte nun, dass, sobald die Folie des Sliders sich öffnet,
ein entsprechendes Popup) öffnet ohne "click".
Jede Folie des Sliders hat ein eigenes Popup.
Ist dies möglich?
Grüße Anja
Hello Anja,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.
Unfortunately you cannot open popups without clicks that are related to different slides. The popups cannot be started automatically on each new slide currently.
Hallo Attila,
das hatte ich mir schon irgendwie gedacht.
Gibt es irgendeine Möglichkeit es zu umgehen?
Gibt es hier einen Weg über Javascript? Und wenn ja, wo hinterlege ich diesen Code?
Gruß Anja
Unfortunately at the moment there is no option to achieve this setup.