  Public Ticket #2095240
set responsive min width retaining height and proportion


  •  1
    projectwebseo started the conversation


    I've been using jquery ls forever. I'm used to the code level. I'm now also using the wp ls.

    I need to know how to implement the equivalent of this parameter in the wp slider version.

    responsiveUnder: 1260 

    long explanation: I would like to retain the images height, fixed. And set the min-width on the horizontal for any screen size... I don't think you need this but to be thorough...

    if the image is 1920 x 600 

    i would like to set the min width to 1260 and retain the 600, which would effectively trim the left and right sides of the photo off.

    I did search but didn't find anything obvious.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Projectwebseo,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    The Responsive Under option is located in the Slider Settings -> Layout tab. It is hidden by default so you will need to click on the Show advanced settings button first. It is the same as 'responsiveUnder' in the jQuery release.