  Public Ticket #2050861
aria-live tags on slider navigation controls


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    kbeglau started the conversation

    An audit has identified that aria-live tags are required for the LayerSlider controls in order for our site to meet WCAG accessibility standards. Is there a method for adding these tags to LayerSlider in order to indicate which slide each navigation item links to and indicating when the content on the Slider has changed?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Kbeglau,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today.

    I would like to confirm that we have received your message. Due to the nature of the issue you are experiencing, I will have to contact and consult with the development team first. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    We appreciate your patience while we're working towards your ticket.

  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately at the moment the slider does not support aria-live tags.

    But how exactly would you like this to work ? Would you like to apply it on the whole slider or only on layers (layers can already have any attributes set on them) ?

    We assume you would need to apply on the slider itself, because the changes that could be recognisable are happening inside it.

    So how do you think it should be approached, or how should it work ?

  •  2
    kbeglau replied

    The aria-live region would need to be the slider itself, and when a slide changes the text in the live region is updated and that the slide has changed is announced to screen readers.

    WCAG has an example of setting up the aria-live region and announcing the slide change as part of their accessible carousel example: 



    Obviously, this is a very simplified carousel and example, but I am hoping the basic functionality shown could be replicated in LayerSlider.


  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately as mentioned, we do not support aria live tags currently. But regardless, thank you for the explanation. It will be useful for future implementation when we get there.