Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.
The slider thumbnails are there, but they are empty so they look transparent. I've checked and the thumbnail images' source are getting replaced with static links, such as: 
This is usually a result of a cache/lazy load/optimizer plugin that interferes with the images and prevents them from loading in the slider. Do you use this kind of solution on your installation ? If you are using Jetpack, I'd recommend to take a look at that first. We had several issues with it in the past, as its lazy load method is interfering with the slider's content.
I have turned on as below but cant get any thumbnails to show for navigation.
Please help turned on of etc.
regards greg
Slider Setting --> Navigation Area--> Show Prev & Next buttons --> enable "Show slide navigation buttons"
Hello Greg12,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.
The slider thumbnails are there, but they are empty so they look transparent. I've checked and the thumbnail images' source are getting replaced with static links, such as: 
This is usually a result of a cache/lazy load/optimizer plugin that interferes with the images and prevents them from loading in the slider. Do you use this kind of solution on your installation ? If you are using Jetpack, I'd recommend to take a look at that first. We had several issues with it in the past, as its lazy load method is interfering with the slider's content.
Hi there yes I disabled jetpack and it was that, but I need jetpack so how can I disable lazy loading.
Kind Regards
There should be an option for it inside Jetpack's settings.