  Public Ticket #1921450
Manual Repetition


  • Sungho Lee started the conversation


    I assigned a div with an id and triggered a slide by clicking it. Perfectly worked, of course. After I closed it with the ‘x’ button – or click elsewhere to make it go away – the slide never shows again even though I click the same button.

    I tried it with ‘Popup-Inforbar-Demo’ & ‘Popup-Sidebar-Demo’.

    The whole purpose of buying this was to assign each button with different information and show them whenever I click the buttons. How can I make this happen?


  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Sungho,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is John and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    Please explain the issue you're experiencing in more detail. Which triggers and settings did you use? For example, the popupShowOnce option might prevent reopening the popup. Also, it would be a great help for us if you could show us your site where we can check this issue.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Sungho Lee replied

    Hello John,

    I made 2 pages for you. Go to 'http://www.sunimap.com/slider' and immadiately you'll have an index.html. I put a single sentence in it that brings (triggers) the slide-popup action if you click it. I didn't make any change except changing 'ready' to 'click'. This sample has the script line of  popupResetOnClose: 'disabled'. Well, I guess enabling it is the solution.

    One more page is slider.html and basically the same. It only shows the info sideways. The script says 'popupShowOnce: false' which I thought I can open it as many times as I want. However this one also does not work that way. Actually all the examples come in the package are not working more than once.

    One example of your product has an animation with reverse button, but the whole sequence including reversing was one complete process. I had to F5 to do it again, so that reverse button wasn't what I am looking for.


  •  74
    John replied

    Hey Sungho,

    Thank you for the detailed description. Seeing your code was really helpful. 

    The issue is that you use your own .click() jQuery event to initialize the slider. Once a slider is initialized, it stays that way. The close button does not destroy the slider instance, it just waits in the background to be opened again. 

    Popup sliders have their own triggers, including a click trigger. They are hidden by default and become visible automatically based on your settings. 

    So .click() should be a 'ready' event. Then, you should remove the popupShowOnTimeout option from  the slider's init code to prevent displaying the popup automatically. The final step is to add the popupShowOnClick option, which accepts a string containing a CSS / jQuery selector. Elements matching that selector will launch the popup when clicked. 

    In your case it would be popupShowOnClick: '#open'

    There's also an API command to launch the popup if you want more control over the process. The popupResetOnClose option just replays the last slide when reopening a popup.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • Sungho Lee replied

    Hello John,

    Now I understand what I did wrong. Rather I misunderstood how it works. I should dig into the features and learn how I can control those by practice. Really appreciate your help and I love your product. 


  • Sungho Lee replied