  Public Ticket #1862017
text not centering when playing slider


  • lisa burgess started the conversation


    I have 2 lines of text that start my slider that should be centered.

    In the preview it displays as centered - but on my webpage it is not centered. 

    Any help is appreciated.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello lisa burgess,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    Please enter 50% to the Top and Left fields of these text layers in their Styles tab, and set the Text Align to Initial or Center. This should center your text layers on all screens.

  • lisa burgess replied

    Hi Attila, 

    I tried that and it is still not centered.

    I have 2 text pieces so it puts them on top of each other. BUT the bigger problem is that they are both not centered HORIZONTALLY. 

    It seems like it pulls styles from my theme (for the actual font) because it shows a generic font in the admin panel, but the font seen on the live site is the font declared for headings in my theme. I would like to use my theme's font, but I need to get these pieces of text centered horizontally.

    any help is appreciated.


  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Regarding the text font. Please apply the font that you are using on the layer inside the plugin too. You can use the Font Family field for that. If you also add the font to the text layer there, not just inheriting from your theme, the problem should be solved.

    As for the stacking. If you have multiple text layers, you can shift their Top value a bit, so they do not overlap vertically. For example use 55% and 45%, or whatever fits your layout.