  Public Ticket #1860662
Group of text layers looping infintely


  • brewerdirect started the conversation

    Hi, I have one slide that I want to loop several layers on.  I have a stationary statement,  then I want to fade in and out 8 words. These 8 words should appear one by one and then loop those 8 words over and over infinitely. All while the main statement "RELEASING GENEROSITY TO HELP. . " stays stationary.

    I've turned on the loop or middle transition - but the words do not loop. I just need help on the settings to use to make the word layers continually loop. I'm attaching screenshot here of the settings. Help.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello brewerdirect,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    You can use the options located in the Layers -> Transitions -> Loop Or Middle Transition tab for this purpose. The marketing demo slider pack in the Template Store has a slider that features looping layers that switch out each other. You can import that and check the exact settings that are used to achieve this.

    But please note that this effect can only be achieved with 2 layers at the moment. Infinitely looping more than 2 elements at the same time and place like this, will not be timed properly unfortunately. So you can only use 2 text layers for this currently. This option/effect will be improved in future updates.

  • brewerdirect replied

    So if you look at the example I currently have - how else can I build this so the words fade it like that but then loop back to the original set? Is there a way to loop the slide itself  - there must be a way as this is a pretty common feature...


    Let me know? Thank you, Stephanie

  • [deleted] replied

    Yes, you can loop the slide itself as a workaround. You can run your layers once and then restart the slideshow, achieving a similar display.

    Please note that slide looping only works with multiple slides by default. If you only have one slide, there is no other content to loop through so the slideshow will stop. You could add an extra second slide that is empty, so the slideshow will jump back immediately to the first one. Basically restarting it. Alternatively, you could also duplicate your current slide for an identical second copy, so they loop through each other. 

    Or there is one additional solution with the API for slide looping. You will need to copy this to the slideTimelineDidComplete event:

    function( event, slider ) {        

    This way you don't have to create extra slides or hide the navigation areas.

  • brewerdirect replied

    So how do I make the slide background image not have a transition. If the slide loops I need the background image to remain static, stationary so only the layer words loop. Make sense?

  • brewerdirect replied

    One more question for this slider: https://brewerdirect.com/direct-marketing-brewer-direct-2/

    I had to turn "slideshow" off so that the first slide plays once. Then the arrow links to a video. When the video is done I would like it to go to slide #3. Is there a way to make that happen? It's just a duplicate of the opening slide.

    thank you, Stephanie