  Public Ticket #1808946
Custom Font


  •  2
    spainops started the conversation

    Hi Super Support,

    Could you tell me how to add a custom font (bookman-old-style) not a google font



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Si,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    LayerSlider has Google Fonts built-in at the moment, but naturally you can use other fonts too. In this case you will have to add them manually or load them otherwise to your site. Once you've loaded the custom fonts to your site, you can enter the font name to the layer's style and it will pick up the font on the front-end.

  •  2
    spainops replied

    Great - sorted

    Thanks for your support
