  Public Ticket #1708884
Broken Images Every day


  • Bas Mulder started the conversation

    I’ve been using LayerSlider for a long time within my Avada Theme.

    LayerSlider, each day, appears to break the slider background images (it appears blank or broken in all browsers), but the slider text renders. 

    The rest of the WordPress page is fine, with the IP address used in all src= references. So, it is not an issue with WordPress, and apparently also not the WordPress theme as well. Only the LayerSlider code references the IP address instead of the domain name.

    But if I simply save the background images again or do some save action in LayerSlider, it fixes itself and the domain name is used. But then a day later, it happens again, and layerslider does not work.

    I tried to empty the LayerSlider cache under the option “Use slider markup caching” but I’m not sure if this is the problem or not. What would cause something like this to happen?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Bas Mulder,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    Judging from your description, the problem is most likely related to the source of the images. I believe that the image sources or their paths are being interfered from time to time, that is why the slider cannot load them anymore. And once they are back to 'normal', re-saving the slider adds them again. Could you please check if they are still accessible, or if their image paths are still correct ? Alternatively it could be a server synchronization/backup solution that is resetting back the images/slider to an earlier state, or falsely caching the images. Please check whether you use any of the above mentioned methods/solutions on your site.