  Public Ticket #1640441
Pb on tablet and mobile


  • toine34 started the conversation

    I use layer slider wp on site, on pc everything works well, but the background image disappears on mobile and tablet. and the animations on a elements (logo in the center) does not work on mobile and tablet. I use DIVI and here is the address where the site is visible : http://saintnicolasdebourguei.apps-1and1.net/
    Can you help me?
    Best regards

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello toine34,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    I have checked your site, but for me the background and its effect, as well as the logo parallax movement are being displayed currently on mobiles. Have you managed to fix the problem in the meantime ? In case not, could you please specify on what OS/browser/device are you experiencing this exactly ?

  • toine34 replied

    hello Attila thanks for your reply.  I did the test with the firefox and google chrome inspector and the adaptive view. I use windows 10. And on both browsers, I have the error. Actually on my smartphone it works as it should. So do not trust these browsers...
    I do not have a tablet to do the test, but I think that if it works on my smartphone, it also works on a tablet.
    Thank you very much,
    best regards.

  • [deleted] replied

    I've also tested it on Win10 with Chrome and Firefox, but still can't reproduce the problem. 

    Could you please check if you are experiencing this on any other device other than your current desktop ? It might be a localized issue related to browser addons/extensions, cache or some other factor.