  Public Ticket #1578880
url link to specific slides


  • ignition3d started the conversation


    can I get this result?

    see Attachment please.

    many thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello ignition3d,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    You can use deeplinking to give a special URL to users, which will start your slider with a certain slide when they visit your site. To do that, you have to specify a Deeplink name in slide options and use it as a reference in the URL with a hashtag. For example, if you've entered the name "surprise", your URL should look like this: yourdomain.com/yourpage/#surprise. This will start LayerSlider with the slide where you set it (instead of the first one) when someone navigates to the page with this URL.

  • ignition3d replied


    Now, I would like to ask another thing.

    my need is this:
    is it possible to have buttons that control the slider, always visible on the screen?
    for example, like a sticky header, or anchored on the bottom.

    I'm trying to control the slider with another popup menu slider. it's possible?

    I send an attached screenshot

    Many thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately other than the previously mentioned deep linking, there is no built-in option in the plugin to control one slider from another. The LayerSlider API (and event callbacks) provide these kind of customizability, but it requres some web development experience to use: https://layerslider.kreaturamedia.com/documentation/#layerslider-api So it's only recommended for more experienced users.