  Public Ticket #1569624
Site blinking on slide transition on google chrome


  • dirkpanier started the conversation

    Hello again,I've noticed that someone had the same problem, but there is no conclusion on the ticket. https://kreatura.ticksy.com//ticket/1365214/

    I have the background blinking during transitions in Chrome. In IE and in FireFox there is no problem.

    Do you have a solution for this problem? My client is using Chrome ;-(

    thanks in advance


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello dirk,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    Please show us your site or a test page where we can check this.

  • dirkpanier replied

    Thanks Attila, I discovered that Chrome is a big problem for a lot op people using LayerSlider. Impossible to avoid the white flash so it seems. I found another solution (only one long slide), works fine for me!

    I have another (probably stupid) question. How can I change or update the thumbnails in the overview of different sliders. I figured out how to make a new thumb for every slide, but not for the slider itself.

    thank you!


  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the feedback. You can set a thumbnail for the slider in the Slider Settings -> Misc tab.

  • dirkpanier replied

    thnx Attila!