  Public Ticket #1555470
About Slider


  • mmukaetov started the conversation


    How can I make thumbnail images like next and prev like images here


    Ex. jump to the next slide should be next thumb image


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello mmukaetov,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    You can add the arrows as layers, either by image or button types. And then apply #prev and #next smart links on them.

    Alternatively you can set them up as the default slider navigation. 

    You can approach this two ways. You can either edit the image file that contains the arrows. It was created with a "CSS sprites" method, meaning that only certain parts of the image is being showed.
    As long as you do not change the arrows' sizes drastically and leave it in the correct position in the image file, you can freely change it. This method does not require CSS editing.

    Or you can edit the skin.css file. The classes you are looking for are .ls-nav-prev, .ls-nav-next

  • mmukaetov replied

    Yes but he problem is that there is more than 3 slides,

    I want to change depend on next, prev

    Thanks for fast answer

  • mmukaetov replied

    I need only Script to show 

    First image and next image for thumbnail

    after I click next image than first become second,  next become third

  • [deleted] replied

    That is exactly what I described in my last response. Setting up linked layers that navigate to the previous and next slides. The slider navigation also does that.

  • mmukaetov replied

    Can u please show me example of code?

  • [deleted] replied

    The documentation included to the plugin's package has examples and additional information, as well as demo sliders that you can check how we set them up exactly.