  Public Ticket #1541682
open Popup by url


  • revosoft started the conversation


    1. I want to open a popup from another 3D-slider (not layerslider), but on that slider I can only enter an url, not a class or an id.

    Is there a way to open a layerslider popup by entering an url or a ... call ?

    2. With my test's on how to open a popup from inside a layerslider, I saw, that when I set the class from a text layer to "demopopup", that the popup opens after clicking on it (no link entered) but the cursor changes to the edit mode cursor instead of the arrow click cursor, so the users will maybe think, that there is nothing to click because they don't want to edit anything.

    When I enter "#" or anything else as url/link the cursor is shown correct, but the popup doesn't open anymore.

    Is there a trick, to get the correct cursor shown on a text layer?

    3. For all that have problems with opening a popup:

    1. in the popup slider you have to enter in "open by click" field something like "#demopopup" when using an id or ".demopopup" when using a class

    2. the "open automatically after" field should be empty

    3. you have to switch on "include pages" to "all" or a special side or you have to enter the popup-slider id code on that side with a code like [layerslider id="ls-demopopup"]

    4. In the (2nd) test slider you have to enter no link, only in class or id you have to enter "demopopup" (or what you use), just depending on if you entered ".demopopup" or "#demopopup" in the popupslider "open by click" field

    and the test slider also has to be embedded to the side for example like this [layerslider id="ls-test-demopopup"]

    Without an extra slider in works like this: <a class="demopopup" href="#">open my demopopup</a>

    I hope this helps to save time on first time using a ls popup slider.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello revosoft,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    Using an URL is not really a good approach in this case, as clicking on an URL navigates the page, interfering with the popup. Regardless, you could set it up by adding #demopopup to the URL field and enter [href="#demopopup"] to the open by click field.

    The # solution should work under normal circumstances, it works the same so the cursor should be the same. But there are alternatives you can utilize. You can use a different layer type (not text) or you can add the following to the Custom CSS field of the layer in the Styles tab: cursor: pointer;

  • revosoft replied


    thanks, so it works. ([href="#demopopup"] and cursor).

    I have recognized, that on export and import a slider from one to another website the Titel and ALT informations of the pictures are lost (on the import website).

    Because these informations are important for SEO, it would be good, to include these fields in export /import.

    With best regards

      Bodo Olschewski

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Bodo,

    I'm John from the Kreatura Dev Team.

    If you specify these information within the plugin (under the Attributes tab), they will be carried over to the new sites as well. Otherwise, these are coming from the WordPress Media Library, which handles them independently from LayerSlider. We will look into this and try to come up with a solution in a future update.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • revosoft replied

    Dear John,

    I just figured out one more problem in layerslider (actual version).

    I work on a project for a museum with many transparent graphics as switches on each slide. These switches use the jump to action, f.e. #2, #3, etc.

    I work with templates for sides with different number of switches on a fixed position, but when I import one I have to change the jump to action.

    In the link field is standing LayerSlider Action: #2 - so I delte the 2 and write 9. I save the slider and start it on the webpage, but it still moves to #2 not #9. When I go back to the editor in the link field is standing LayerSlider Action: #9; only when I delete the link complete and write #9 and save the slide, it works like it should.

    So in this area you have to locate a problem and to fix it.

    With best regards

      Bodo olschewski

  • revosoft replied

    Hi again,

    it's not enought to delete "LayerSlider Action:"; it necessary to first select another selection like "go to previous" and then delete this action and then to write f.e. #9 inside, otherwhise it doesn't work.

    I hope you can fix this problem asap because it's a big mess for me, because I have to work with templates and have to change hundreds of links.

    With best regards

    Bodo Olshewski

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Bodo,

    Thank you very much for reporting this problem.

    We will look into this and make sure to include the necessary fixes in the next update as soon as possible.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  •  74
    John replied

    Dear Bodo, 

    I've looked into this issue and it was already fixed in version 6.6.2. When we introduced the formatted URLs feature in v6.6.1, there was a small bug that caused exactly this behavior. We've quickly noticed it and the fix was released 5 days later. 

    Sliders built with that version could carry over this issue unless you update the URL fields. Pressing the Unlink button, then re-entering the link should solve this. New sliders or newly added layers in earlier sliders should be fine. The issue should only affect content that you've worked on in that 5-day window when the issue was present. After updating the URL fields it should no longer affect anything, so your sliders aren't corrupted or anything.

    I hope this helps and you can confirm that this is the case on your site as well.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • revosoft replied

    Hi again,

    thanks for fixing the problem so fast.

    I have one more question:

    I build sliders with background images and want to give the users the chance to save the background picture of a slide.

    (a commercial application with price offers in the background of each slide; the customers should get the chance to save the offer as picture)

    Is there a way to go an easy way to make one layer as button and to code the button so that it handles this jaob without I have to put the address of the background picture on each slide (so that it uses the value aof the slider for the backgrund picture of the actual slide) ?

    That would help me a lot because I will need it on around 60 slides.

    (On this point I also figured out, that when I transfer complete slideshow to other webpages, to setup two slides, one for integrate and one as popup (the rest is the same) gives the problem, that all informations get imported two times (and also integrated in the website. If you could combine popup and normal mode in one slide, it would help t reduce the overhead.

    I have one more question (sorry) on an setup with avada theme and extra layerslider license (to use the popup feature).

    I use 1920x1080 fullscreen but since some time I saw that the upper first line is not used / or show other color (it looks like the slides are shown 1 pixel to low - on all sites on all touchsystems so I think, it bust be a problem between avada and layerslider). If you would have any idea what I could check for to fix this (several touch solutions for a museum with a inhouse wp server - normally not accessable from outside), it would help me to find and fix this problem, also.

    Many thanks and best regards

      Bodo Olschewski

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Bodo,

    Slide background: There is no built-in feature to do this, you need to set up a layer and link it to the image manually. If you have web development experience, you can use the LayerSlider API to automate this and query down the current slide and its background image.

    Hybrid sliders: I quite like the idea of allowing a single slider running in multiple instances, so you can have a normal and popup slider at the same time. I will bring this up to the dev team and will consider adding it.

    Avada: We aren't aware of such issue and couldn't reproduce it on our end. Could you please tell us a little more about your setup? What layout type are you using for your sliders? When you say fullscreen, do you mean the OS native fullscreen by double clicking on the slider? It would be a huge help if you could somehow show us the site where we can see and debug this issue.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  • revosoft replied

    Hi John, thanks for your fast answers; do you have a sample for the api scripting?

    The problem with the first pixel line I fixed already (I had to change the side type and to set all borders for this side type to 0; on the standard page layout I was not able to get this line out).

    I also recognize problems on Avada with layerslider on fixed size sliders (1920x1080 for fullhd screens), that with the standard page layout the slider was shown 10 to 20 pixels moved to right, in full screen it was ok, but with the other page type it works like it should.

    For the same customer (museum) I made a slider which is not running automatically; the users have to switch to next page by them self. Now I integrated a video on one page and it would be nice, when the slider could switch to the next slide after the video is finished, but all other slides still must be switched by hand, because the users must read and select which way they want to go.

    I tried the slider time, but that seems only to work for automatic running slideshows.

    Is it possible to switch only on one slide automatically to the next, when the video is finished, but to have all other slide not automatically switching ?

    With best regards

      Bodo Olschewski, Revosoft

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi Bodo,

    I've attached an importable slider where you can see an API example for the slide backgrounds. Notice the following:

    • The 'Download' layer has a class name (bg-download) under the Link & Attributes tab. This is how we target the layers where we want to update the URL.
    • The link URL is set to '#' at the same place. This ensures that the layer is linked, and the URL can be changed later.
    • Under the Event Callbacks main menu at the top of the page, the slideTimelineDidStart API event is used to get the current background image of each slide and set the link to the download button.

    The default behavior for videos is exactly what you are looking for. The slider always waits for any media playback to complete before it tries to change slides. Unfortunately, if you've disabled the Slideshow -> Auto start slideshow option, the slider will not try to change slides, even if there is a media on slide.

    As a workaround, you can enable the Auto start slideshow option, and manually allow slides where it should be used. The attached slider also offers an example for this. Slide changes are blocked by default by using the slideTimelineDidComplete event callback. You can exclude and pass through certain slides by pressing the big "SHOW MORE OPTIONS" button in the Slide Options area and then specify the 'exclude' property in the Custom Slide Properties section.

    With this change, the first slide is allowed to automatically change to the next one, but the second slide is not.

    I hope it helps. As mentioned previously, using the API requires some web development experience. If this is not a concern for you, you can find the full API documentation on the following URL: https://layerslider.kreaturamedia.com/documentation/#layerslider-api

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team