  Public Ticket #1512379
How do I make Click settings that could open/close related layers?


  • pabitele started the conversation

    Hi, I'm changing the "Interactive slider" into a Chinese food map, as a gift for my friend, who's birthday is on 23rd.

    Site address: http://www.pearl-in-the-deep.com/birthday-food-map/

    I got two questions here:

    1. I'd like to know how to make it possible when I click a city spot its related food layers will show OR disappear? Just like the map on Avada: https://avada.theme-fusion.com/google-maps

    2. How can I can make a group of layers disappears together? So similar factors with different content could show at the same place?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello pabitele,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    You can insert Google Maps to LayerSlider as well in a form of an HTML layer by using its embed or shortcode.

    Regarding your second question, you cannot manually trigger layers to dissappear unfortunately. But you can time their transition out to the same time, so they animate out together. And time the transition in of the next set of layers together as well, that take their place.

  • pabitele replied

    As this site will open up in China, Google map will be a disaster, everything will be blocked (big cry)

    And there will be over 90 city spots there, timing trigger layers might not be a good idea, mountains of triggered layers will be there dazzling the eyes.

    Any other ways I can try to get nearer to my expected effects?

  •   pabitele replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for your feedback. I'll contact with the author team regarding your case and get back to you shortly.

  • [deleted] replied

    Please open a refund request on Envato so we can accept it.