  Public Ticket #1442448
How to change cubers shadow ?(going on) This is the third asking


  • miaojun started the conversation

    Hello, I entered the same codes in ''css editor'' as you replied, But. nothing changed…

    I made a gif animated picture to show you the ugly grey sides of the 3d box, Please look carefully,

    and tell me accurately what codes will be effective to the ugly grey square pieces and changing the  grey to other’s colors!!!

    Please tell me the accurate code!! Thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello miaojun,

    I've already provided you with the exact code in your previous ticket. But it seems like you did not copy it properly. The code is NOT background-color: #FFFFF; 
    You will need the whole code I've entered there. So for example:

    .ls-3d-box div {  
    background-color: #00f; 