  Public Ticket #1440705
How to change cubers shadow ?(Continuing)


  • miaojun started the conversation



    Hello, Thanks for Replying me. I found the css editor where I can enter code. 

    But, anyway, Could you tell me what code I can enter for changing the side color of the 3d box ?

    And, furthermore, I want to change one 3d box’s side color separatly, and others’s side color are their own’s color. Can I configer one by one, and every side color of 3d box is different from others?

    Please tell me how! Thanks!!!!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello miaojun,

    Yes, you can also change sides separately (left,right,top,bottom,front,back). Here's a few example for this that you can use:

    .ls-3d-box div { 
    background-color: #00f;

    .ls-3d-box .ls-3d-top {
    background-color: #00ff00;

    .ls-3d-box .ls-3d-bottom {
    background-color: red;