  Public Ticket #1400616
text editing


  • ectic started the conversation

    website : https://ectic-ch.com/fr/services-professionnels-aux-personnes-fr/#website

    Hello team,

    I'd like to edit text "justify" aligned on several lines and being able to define the line-height within this paragraph rather than inbetween 2 different text items.

    I can't type text within a paragraph on several lines without adding <br/> carriage return specifically because the text-box doesn't seem to be a real text-box since there is no automatic wrapping of the text from one line to the next one. Playing with the text-box border doesn't help since it modifies the size of the text rather than than splitting the text in more or less lines on a justify alignment mode...

    (see attached screenshot)

    How can I simply edit text on several lines and align it "justify" ?

    Thank you for your help


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Ectic,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    You can break lines manually at a certain location in the text with the <br> tag. But if you enable the Word-wrap option (Styles tab), it will break the text automatically for you. I believe that is the option you're looking for.

  • ectic replied

    Thank your for your response Attila,

    I was probably not clear enough. I know how to use <br> tag and how to define the word wrap optiosome text leyers don't allow word wrap... When modifying manually the size of thw text window... Instead of moving the text diffeently in the window... the text gets bigger if the window gets bigger and smaller if the window gets smaller...

    Since this occurs only on some text windows... I think it might be related to some options somewhere...

    Thank you for your return

  • [deleted] replied

    The text alignment problem is most likely related to how you set up your text layers. You shouldn't use HTML code in this case, nested HTML content in a layer might not always work as intended, and it will likely lose its responsive behavior or position as well. 

    Instead, I'd recommend to use the plugin's built-in options to format your layers. You can create text layers, only enter the text itself and use the options in the Layers section -> Styles tab to achieve the same layout.