  Public Ticket #1395688
Missing Animate First Slide Option


  • wprekhler started the conversation

    Hi, my global menu is missing the Animate First Slide that I've seen on other people's back end? Is the version I'm using outdated? I purchased the Avada WP theme and the LayerSlider came with it. I litterally just purchased the support option to help fix this problem. I hope you guys know the answer.

    The reason I'm asking is that all my slides are set to Crossfade and to appear for 4 seconds, but it seems that when my website loads, the first slide always fades in super fast and then all the following slides transition normally, including when the cycle restarts. People suggested I not animated the first slide, but I could not find that option.

    1. How can I fix the first slider loading way too fast even though all slides have the same transition and timing for the transition and slide duration.
    2. If this cannot be fixed where is the Animate First Slide option so I can just have the first slide appear statically when the page loads?


  •  74
    John replied

    Dear Steve,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    You are not using an outdated version. The Animate First Slide option was removed in newer releases since it was redundant and might resulted inconsistent behavior. As an alternative, you can find a similar option in Slider Settings -> Appearance called Initial fade duration. This is an advanced option, so make sure to enable the Show Advanced Settings switch in the top right corner.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team