  Public Ticket #1387534


  • marcelocor started the conversation

    I downloaded all the templates I found in your gallery. I downloaded it to study and use the animation features.

    I use on my website only two slides I created in my home (I'm not saying the number of slides per slide, but slides anyway).
    I ask: Is my site heavy and difficult to load if these templates are downloaded on my site? I remember: only two slides are active on my site. So, the one that I downloaded but did not activate, do they weigh my site? Does it take to load because of this?
    Thank you.


  • [deleted] replied


    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    No, the demo sliders that you downloaded to your admin do not affect your front-end, only the ones that you actually include to the site.

    In case you experience performance problems, you could try to enable the Include scripts in the footer and Conditional script loading options in the Advanced settings section to increase your site's performance and decrease load times.