  Public Ticket #1360427
Layerslider not working on Internet explorer


  • Darren started the conversation

    Wondering why Layerslider won't work on Internet explorer in wordpress backend?

    I have clicked on every slider I have in the backend and when Layerslider loads in wordpress I get none of the sliders.

    Does Layerslider only work on Firefox?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Darren,

    Thank you for your feedback. Since this year (WP 4.8), WordPress no longer supports older IE versions, so that could be a problem. Also, most IE versions are very outdated and they no longer provide sufficient environment for more complex platforms or plugins.

    The front-end of the plugin was tested for IE. The sliders are displayed on IE9+ without any problem, so the visitors will be seeing the same slider accross all browsers, including older IE releases. However the admin interface might require more modern browsers to operate properly.