  Public Ticket #1353267
WP update caused sliders to break


  • John started the conversation

    Word press updated this afternoon automatically and broke our layer sliders that are at the top of the page. Except the Homepage one is working!

  • John replied

    This is just in categories, in pages it's fine. only after WordPress updated!

    error code is 

    var lsjQuery = jQuery; lsjQuery(document).ready(function() { if(typeof lsjQuery.fn.layerSlider == "undefined") { if( window._layerSlider && window._layerSlider.showNotice) { window._layerSlider.showNotice('layerslider_59','jquery'); } } else { lsjQuery("#layerslider_59").layerSlider({sliderVersion: '6.6.0', responsiveUnder: 950, skin: 'v6', popupWidth: 640, popupHeight: 360, skinsPath: 'https://www.gmcrafts.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/LayerSlider/static/layerslider/skins/'}); } });

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello John,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today.

    I would like to confirm that we have received your message. Due to the nature of the issue you are experiencing, I will have to contact and consult with the development team first. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    We appreciate your patience while we're working towards your ticket.

  • John replied

    Hello Attila,

    Thanks for your response. Please let me know if you want log in details for our website and i'll send them over. 


  • [deleted] replied

    The dev team confirmed that this error is not related to LayerSlider or generated by it. Unfortunately it is most likely a conflict problem on your installation caused by a 3rd party item.

    To start troubleshooting please try to temporary disable other plugins and switch to a default WP theme to see if that solves the issue.