  Public Ticket #1318558
desktop slider not display


  • emmanuel91 started the conversation

    hi, first thk for dev !

    i have a little problem since twice days, my slider on desktop not appear...

    http://game-nation.fr/ check it


  • emmanuel91 replied


  • emmanuel91 replied

    i think i see what the problem, simple when i stop wp-rocket (cdn cloudflare) my layerslider appears but when i activate wp rocket with the cdn i havn't layerslider on desktop.....

    but now cdn is off and the pb persist...arf

    thk in advance

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello emmanuel91,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    I have checked your site but for me the slider is being displayed currently.

    Have you managed to fix the problem in the meantime ?

    In case not, could you please specify on what OS/browser/device are you experiencing this exactly ?

    Regarding the Cloudflare, it has one modul called the Rocketscript. We've had some issues with it in the past. Rocketscript is a method used to compress and asynchronously load scripts on page and it could easily break any WordPress plugin as it also interferes with jQuery. Unfortunately it cannot be used together with LayerSlider at the moment because of the mentioned jQuery conflict problem.