  Public Ticket #1318003
Reactive buttons inside LayerSlider


  • duncanshiels started the conversation

    I am trying to get a responsive button to work within the slider. I only want the links of the buttons to navigate to each slide within the Slider. No outside pages. My page will not need outside pages at all. 

    I can create a style within each layer that will create a button. I can then direct the link to one of my slides, such as #3 or #2, etc. However these buttons don't have the capability (at least from what I can see) to have any roller over effects added to them. I would like a rollover effect on all my buttons.

    I have tried to use the Visual composer to add a button element to the slider, by creating the shortcode in a TEMP page and pasting it into the Slider Layer HTML section. The button shows up just fine, but I can't get any navigation to work. If I imbed the URL (#3, #2, etc) into the button in visual composer, when creating it, it doesn't navigate within the slider. If I leave out the navigation when creating the button in Visual Composer and attempt to input the navigation into the URL section for the styling,  the button completely disappears from the Layer.

    This all seems way too complicated for a simple mouseover effect on any button I have for my LayerSlider. I don't care how I get the results, I just want to get past this.

    Anyone that can help...Please


    Duncan Shiels


  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Duncan Shiels,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. My name is Attila and I'm happy to assist you today. I appreciate your patience while we've been working towards your ticket.

    What rollover effect are you looking for exactly ? LayerSlider provides hover animations for layers. You can access this section in the Layers -> Transitions -> Hover Transition tab. With the options located there, you can set up hover transitions for your layers (buttons), even for the linked ones.

  • duncanshiels replied

    That was so simple and so much help to me. I feel embarrassed that I completely missed that. Thank you so much for the reply Attila!


  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the feedback, glad you could solve the problem. If you need further assistance please let us know.