  Public Ticket #1313829


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    clairemartindigital started the conversation

    hi there, when i try to update the plugin i get the notification of package not available despite me having a licence. please advise how this can be resolved. thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello clairemartindigital,

    The 'Update package not available' or similar error messages during the update process, are most likely symptoms of an interfering 3rd party theme or plugin.
    We are constantly notifying and working together with various authors whenever we notice such issue. Unfortunately, these issues cannot be fixed from our end and a temporary solution is updating manually or temporarily disabling other plugins and switching to the default WP theme. 

    Another possibility might be a stuck activation. If you've used our online tools to remotely deactivate a site (or asked us to do the same on your behalf) your site might no longer be activated. The same can be true if your purchase code has been revoked due to a refund or another reason.
    In cases like this deactivating your site and then immediately re-activating it can help.

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    clairemartindigital replied

    Ok so i managed to update the plugin by disabling everything and re-entering the purchase code...

    Now to the next issue. I am trying to add another slide to the hero slider on the homepage. when i try to save the new slide and press save, nothing happens except layerslider doesn't save the new slide...attached is a screenshot of the system status. all plugins are deactivated as well for your info.

  • [deleted] replied

    As I can see the System Status does not show any error, but it might still be a server related problem.

    But first, if you did not try it yet, please try to test it with a default WordPress theme, to rule out the possibility of a theme conflict.

    In case the same is happening with a default WP theme, please set up a temporary WP login for us so we can take a look at your admin.