  Public Ticket #1309420
Text is coming out blocked out with white


  • djm2255 started the conversation

    The backend design looks fine, and the preview looks fine, but if you'll look at the top home page slider, it's awful. The text is blocked out with white boxes.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello djm2255,

    There is no issue like this present in the latest release of our plugin (6.5.8.), so unfortunately it is most likely a conflict problem on your installation.

    I have checked the URL you provided but I do not see LayerSlider being used on it at the moment.

    Where can we see the slider in question to investigate it ?

  • djm2255 replied

    I am turning it back on right now so you can see. I installed it twice. I installed the plugin twice after deactivating and deleting it.

  • djm2255 replied

    You can see it for yourself now that it's up, but I really can't keep it up, as my client is running a promotion and we need to get this fixed. Thanks

  • djm2255 replied

    I had to remove the slider from the home page, but you can see the slider on https://westtexasjustice.com/test-page/.

    I did not have any background set at all on the text.

  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you, we were able to check the problem. There is an inline style on your site that is causing this. 

    It starts like this: <style id="tt-easy-google-font-stylestype="text/css">p { background-color: #ffffff;

    As you can see, this custom style applies white background on every p element on your site (including the slider elements), resulting in this text block issue. 

    This inline style is not related to the slider, as we can see it is generated by a 3rd party plugin or possibly your theme.