  Public Ticket #1308502
Play by scroll


  • Dave started the conversation

    Hi there
    A basic problem
    I used it for the first time today.
    I installed the demo to use "play by scroll".
    But it does not fit perfectly like in the "demo page".
    What should I set up?
    avada theme is in use.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Dave,

    The problem is related to the custom scroll script that is being used on your site. 

    This custom scroll script is emulating the normal scrolling via software. Because of this, the slider's play-by-scroll effect will not work properly, as it can only detect the default native scrolling of websites.

    Unfortunately this scroll script and the play-by-scroll effect will not work together properly. You will need to disable this custom script to be able to use the play-by-scroll.

  • Dave replied

    Thank you!

    The theme you are currently using is the avada theme.
    Can I disable custom scroll scripts?
    So how do you know?

  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately we are not familiar with your theme or its features, but in case this scrolling is one of their methods, they should be able to provide further information and hopefully a solution for it. Please contact the author of your theme with this case about how to disable the custom scroll script.