  Public Ticket #1307664
Background not fullscreen in parallax transition


  • Frank started the conversation

    Hi there.

    Sometimes when intensely moving left and right the slider on www.agentur-freudenberger.de/af , the background image is not shown totally fullscreen and there is a grey gap. (see screenshot)

    When I set the left position e.g. -100 in (see screenshot) postions and size I get the gap on the right side. What to do?

    Can I display the whole image like 120% so that it overlaps the whole screen at any time?

    Best regards,


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Frank,

    I'd recommend to set the following sizes for the image: width to 120%, left to 50%, height to auto and top to 50%. This way the image should be aligned properly and it will reach out of the slider's canvas, so there won't be a gap in certain parallax positions.

  • Frank replied

    Hi Attila,

    this worked well! Thank you very much.

    Best regards,

  • [deleted] replied

    Thank you for the feedback, glad you could solve the problem. If you need further assistance please let us know.