  Public Ticket #1271108
Text Transitions


  • rolinstone started the conversation

    Hi, I would like the text from slide #1 to be visible until until the text from slide #2 appears. I've turned off transitions and durations for the text on all slides, but there is still a about a second where there is no text. Is this possible?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey rolinstone,

    In this case you will need to use the static layers feature of the plugin. It will prevent the layers from transitioning between slides. You can make layers static with the option called 'Keep this layer visible: ...'  It's located at the bottom of the layer Transitions tab.

  • rolinstone replied

    I already have that set to "Until the end of this slide" but that still creates a gap between each layer's appearance.

  • [deleted] replied

    You need to set it to the next slide's end (or where the other text layer is located). The point is to keep the first layer visible until the slide with the second layer. The Timeline view can help with layer timings a lot, you can access it under the preview window.