  Public Ticket #1265121
Change opening layer transition when slider returns to slide 1


  • Trevor started the conversation


    I have 2 slides in the "Thread of the Week" slider, When the whole slider starts I like the opening transitions, but when slide2 ends and it loops back to slide1 I would like the animation of only particular layers to be different (just a subtle fade) for the remainder of the loops. Is there a way to accomplish this?

    I tried using the "Loop or Middle Transition" but that didn't seem to be what I was looking of. 

    Transition events:

    Slide1 - opening bounce (only play once)

    slide1 > 2 - fade out > in

    slide 2 > 1 - fade out > in

    Permeant Repeat/loop : 

    slide1 > 2 - fade out > in

    slide 2 > 1 - fade out > in

    Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Trevor,

    Unfortunately there is no option to achieve this currently. The slideshow will be the same on each loop, you cannot change certain layer effects after the first one at the moment.

  • Trevor replied

    Okay thank you so much for getting back to me. I look forward to the possibility of achieving this in a future update someday.

    All the Best