  Public Ticket #1237319
Text outside of layout


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    ycikdev started the conversation

    Example slider: Welcome Guide Popup

    I have read the documentation, searched the forum and also the slider settings and cannot find 2 things:

    1. I see text outside the layout area but cannot find the setting where you set the text to appear outside the slider layout area. I do see that you have to adjust the (under Styles) LEFT align to -300px (e.g) to move outside the slider area. I tried this with another slider and the text does not appear outside the slider area like in this demo slider?

    2. Static layers from other slides - how do you make a layer from one slide be static throughout?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey ycikdev,

    To allow layers reaching out of the slider's canvas you will need to enable the Overflow layers option in the Additional Slide Settings tab. You will need to click on the Show More Options button to be able to see it.

    You can make layers static with the option called 'Keep this layer visible: ...'  It's located at the bottom of the corresponsing layer's Transitions tab.

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    ycikdev replied

    I gave up too quickly - Thanks Attila!