  Public Ticket #1232253
Elimiinte Fade-in for Text


  • Anaimation started the conversation


    I created a banner that has an animation on the left side (the phone with images) and the rest of the elements should appear the same, no fades. I have tried all the settings and I just can't get rid of the fades applied to the text box (the one that says Get Social!). Everytime the slide changes, the box makes a slight fade out. I would like this box to appear static, always the same.

    How I did it: I have 9 slides on this slider. The elements on all the slides are basically the same, the only change is the image of the person.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Anaimation,

    In this case you will need to use the static layers feature of the plugin. It will prevent the layers from transitioning between slides. You can make layers static with the option called 'Keep this layer visible: ...'  It's located at the bottom of the layer transitions tab.

  • Anaimation replied

    Great, I made 3 of the layers static.

    Now, I still have a fade-in from the last slide (#9) to the first one (#1), when it loops.

    I can't figure out how to make it static, the first and last slides should start without fades.


  • [deleted] replied

    You will need to select the "Forever (the layer will never animate out)" option.