  Public Ticket #1223465
Display Alternative Media on Mobile


  • EnvatoGeoff started the conversation

    I'd like to set up LayerSlider to display on larger screens (say over 1000px) and have two alternative static images that display instead of the LayerSlider on smaller screens - one on iPhone in portrait (320px) and the other on iPhone in landscape (480px) and on other devices up to 999px. By Googling I've found various sites where this is discussed, but always in the context of a specific theme which has LayerSlider bundled (e.g. Enflod by Kriesi).

    Is there a CSS code snippet (probably using the @media query) that will do what I want?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hey EnvatoGeoff,

    Unfortunately at the moment LayerSlider does not provide an option to set up fallback images on smaller screens, you can only hide the slider under a specific size currently.

  • rbonsweenie replied

    I did not see where I could hide slider but I can see where I can hide each layer.

    For others that may find this:  is it possible to create Slide 1 for desktop and Slide 2 for phone then hide the SLIDE accordingly?  I'm thinking maybe custom CSS where I can do a display: none on some slide ID.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hello rbonsweenie,

    Please open a new ticket for your request.