  Public Ticket #1220310
Popup-Overlay visible on mobile with activated hide on mobile


  • chapolote started the conversation

    I created a popup-slider with overlay and configured the slider-settings to hide the slider under a device-witdth of 768px.

    The slider on devices under 768px doesn't show up, but the overlay still does. Bug or missconfiguration?
    Testet on iPhone 7Plus Safari and Chrome developer-tools.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey chapolote,

    Thank you for the feedback. It is indeed a bug, we are going to release a fix for this in the upcoming version.

  • chapolote replied

    Hi Attila,

    thank you for the information.

    I hope the bugfix will be published soon, I need the functionality for a website I shortly have to publish. As long I help myself by hiding it with css.